COCO Husk Chips - 4.5kg (Free Shipping)

COCO Husk Chips - 4.5kg (Free Shipping)

  • Product Code: CHC4.5L
  • Availability: In Stock

  • AUD $34.00

Australian Brand quality low salt COCO Fibre Hush Chips - 4.5kg

Net content = 50L to 60L 

(11mm chips)


  • Excellent Air Porosity
  • Faster Germination Time;
  • Bedding Medium For Earthworms;
  • Potting Mixes;
  • Excellent Water Holding Capacity;
  • Excellent Water Retention;

Coconut husk chips are superior for Hydro absorb and water distribution. Coco Chips are free from weeds, prevents insects & harmful fungi. Husk chips are one of the best soil conditioners found in the grow world which bear comparatively

Coconut husk chips are one of the best soil conditioners found in the grow world which bear comparatively high water holding capacity (10 times it weight). This is ideal to retain moisture in soil during hot summers.

Can reduce the frequency of adding fertilizer by using coconut husk chips as growing medium and it is a 100% natural product which maintains the nutrient retention, potassium level and phosphorus level can be maintained up to the standard. Wastage is less and excellent drainage. Coconut husk chips increases the Caution Exchange Capacity (CEC) and no room for fungal growth and maintains the natural pH level.


Place the contents of one packet into a bucket with about 3 to 4 litres of fresh water, and let soak overnight, to flush out salt. Rinse and strain in a sieve before using. If using for orchids, repeat the soak/strain steps two to three more times to adequately flush out salt, as high salt levels can damage orchids. One brick will yield approximately 4 litres (3.6 U.S. quarts) of chips once wetted.

The chips have high water-holding capacity and release water slowly. They can be used alone as potting medium for orchids(including Dendrobium and Oncidium), as mulch, or mixed

with other media such as sphagnum moss and perlite. They create pockets within the potting mix, promoting drainage and aeration vital to the health of orchids and tropical plants. However they are used, it will be easier to rehydrate the chips if they are not allowed to dry out completely.


COCO Husk Chips - 4.5kg

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